PACRAT 2022-23 Board of Directors Election:

All of the current board members are seeking re-election for the 2022-23 season. Below is the list of current nominees for next seasons PACRAT Board of Directors:

Chair: Mark Conan (Current Rat Patrol Director)

Vice-Chair: Mark Stanford (incumbent)

Race Director: Greg Dilger (incumbent)

Results Director: Dale Parshall (incumbent)

Secretary: Dan Lane (incumbent)

Treasurer: Brian Bogatin (incumbent)

Membership Director: Morgan Towle (incumbent)

Party Director: Ulla Brunette (incumbent)

Sponsorship Director: Mark Crawford (incumbent)

Note: the Past Chair and the two Directors at Large will be appointed by the board, and thus will not be voted on during the election.

If you are interested in running for one of the PACRAT board positions listed above, please contact Peter Dodd at

Per the PACRAT Bylaws, each team from the previous race season shall be allocated one vote with the maximum number of votes allocated to a representative club being limited to 25% of the total teams with at least 6 racers signed up. Teams shall designate the person who gets to vote. In the event a club has more teams than allocated votes, the club shall decide which teams get to vote.

We had 18 teams this season, so the maximum votes for a club is 4. Based upon this year's number of teams, here is the breakdown of clubs and number of votes:

Mountain High - 4

NWXventure – 3

Cascade – 3

Schnee Vogeli – 2

Skiyente – 2

Team Captains and/or Club Race Reps will be contacted to determine who is designated to vote in the June elections. Once determined, each voter will be sent a link to the electronic ballot. The final results will be posted to our website by the end of June.

Have a safe and happy summer,

Your PACRAT Board